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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
RASSOI +building 34
RATH +building 30
building 29
RATHIYA cement +building 19
RATNA CEM +diamond building 19
building 19
RBD +building & arc 35, 36
RBI ROCKSIN BRICK +building 19
RE RISING ESTATES +building 36
REAL INNINGS +building & su 37
REAL PALACE +building 30
REBECCA +building & bird 33
RECFOOD +building 9
RECFOOD +globe & building 29
RED FORT +building 33
RED FORT POLICY +building 16
RED PALACE +building 29, 30
RED ROSE +flower & building 1
RED china +building & bird 43
REDCARPET +building 41
REDFORT BRAND +building 31
REFORM +building 30, 31
REGALIA TOWERS +building 37
REHMAN +building & stars 24
RELAX red rum xxx +building 33
RENAISSANCE +building circl 33
RENT HI RENT.COM +building 36
RESIDENCE lungies +building 24
RF RED FORT +building 25
RG ROYAL GREENS +building 37
RHODIUM building hardware 6
RIZWAN +building & flowers 3
RK. UNIVERSITY +building 43
ROCK SALT +building 43
ROCKMAN'S +building & circl 33, 42
building 37
ROKSO +building 1
ROLEX +building & square 2
ROOFIT building trust +lion 1
ROOFMATE +building 19
ROSA basmati rice +building 30
ROTOM +building & arcs 9
ROYAL CHINA +building 43
ROYAL CLUB whisky +building 33
ROYAL DUKE +building & sun 2
ROYAL HARD MAN +building 19
ROYAL PALACE +building 30
ROYAL PAVILION +building 16
ROYAL QUEST +birds building 43
building 35
ROYAL china +building 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 32, 33, 34
ROYALE +building 2
RPS +man building & fish 30
RR INN +building & trees 42
RS +man ladder & building 2
RS RANA STEELS +building 6
RT TAJ GOLD NIROO +building 19
RUSTAM +portrait & building 34
S-11 +building & square 30
building 37
S.M.A. +building & oval 36
S.S. REAL ESTATE +building 36
S.V. GROUP +building & arcs 16
SADAM special +building 24
SAFIRE temple's +building 25
SAGAR housing +building 36
SAHEBJEE +man & building 24
SAHIL estate +building 36
SAI white HOUSE +building 16
SAINT GLOBLE +building 1
SAINT JAMES +building 25
SAKET DYE CHEM +building 3
SALUTE +building 7
building 9
SAMAD brand +building & moo 24
SAMIL +building & oval 32
SAMPADAA +building 38, 41
SAMRAT SHREE +building 19
SANCHI +building 9, 34
SAND CASTLE +building 20
SANJHEE HAVELI +building 31
SANKAT MOCHAN +building 3
SANSKAR HOME +building 43
SANTHI SWEETS +building 30
SAP BURDWAN GATE +building 30
SAPORI SIENA 1832 +building 30
SARA +building 37
SARAB SANJHI +building 9
SARDAR +building & arc 6
SART +building 34
SARVODAYA +building 16
SATYAM INFRACON +building 37
SAUDAGAR +building & camels 24
SAVE MANAGEMENT +building 36
SAVOY CLUB +building 33
SAVOY CLUB brandy +building 33
SAVOY CLUB whisky +building 33
SAYA ESTATE +building & tre 36
SB SAJI BUILDERS +building 37
SBD SAHYADRI +building tree 37
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